Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Bembridge Estate

Hello my darklings!

Sorry for the long delay- I got super busy, school, music blahblahblah, here's an awesome post!

My mother recently told me about a beautiful Mansion in Long Beach, CA that was a diamond in the rough. "It's gorgeous," she exclaimed. "But it's in the worst kind of neighborhood." She wasn't kidding. The day I went to scope it out, there was a drive by shooting just down the street. Needless to say, I was a little scared to go back, but turns out it was a great day to do so.

It was the day before Mother's Day and my mother and I decided to make a day out of it, so we went to the beach for some lunch then off to the estate. Here's my outfit for the day: a new dress I bought at Goodwill for $5, my new spiderweb fishnets, heeled Mary Janes, and a small hat I made myself.

I know this sounds weird, but I felt like I had to dress up to show respect for this historical home. I was touched by it's beauty, and knowing that it came from an entirely different era really resounded in me.

On to the estate! The reason why it was a great day to go was because it was some sort of festival day. The foundation in charge of taking care of this house has little community festivals to bring in some publicity and donations, so there was live music, dancing, and food too.

This was on the front of the home. I hope that other California gothlings will go as well.

From here, we gave a donation and entered the estate. Several tour guides showed us the downstairs and upstairs portions of the estate. Long story short, it was GORGEOUS. Just... utterly beautiful. I COULD have taken photos, but I couldn't- it was so beautiful that I thought it'd be disrespectful to take photos of the home. I know it's weird, but having already done research on the home, it's history, it's owner, how she fought so hard to keep her home intact and, yes, her murder, all made this house mean more to me.

Example, I've heard every song by Emilie Autumn. I've read about her life, seen her Advent Calendar, read her book, and dressed like a dedicated muffin for the past 4-5 years of my life. But actually SEEING her in person, performing onstage right before my eyes, SEEING the muffins, I began to cry. It felt like meeting a unicorn...

Back to the house. Here's the first website I found that explains a bit about the house, click around for photos of the inside of the house as well as the story behind the house:

Less blah, more photos!

Yes, it had a garden too.

I don't know what it is, but this house has some magic over me. I hope you all enjoy it too.

What about yourselves? Have you any historical monuments near you live? <3!


  1. What a beautiful house <3 The pictures of you on the balcony are spectacular, you look so elegant and timeless that it really... resounds with the atmosphere of the house (OK, sounding cheesy now!).

    I live close to several Pagan worship sites, the most famous being Stonehenge, but nothing like this gorgeous mansion!

  2. You look like an imp in the garden picture! :P

  3. Amy: That is so cool! I've always wanted to go to Stonehenge, it must be so mystical and beautiful there.
    Jane: Why thank you. I loved how rich the colors of the flowers were. <3!

  4. You look stunning in that dress- just absolutely stunning. What perfect neo-Victorian photos too with the house as the backdrop!

    I actually volunteer regularly at Bushy Run Battlefield, a Pontiac's Rebellion site (1763 Eastern Native American insurrection against British and American colonials on the (then) frontier of the Ohio River Valley) I interned there for two years, ran the museum there last year, and now volunteer for daily operations and special events whenever I can fit it into my schedule. Not as elegant as a Victorian mansion, but once a year guys in warpaint and breechcloths and guys in kilts and redcoats descend on the 250 acres there to duke it out in the August heat.

    Other than that there's the Frick mansion in Pittsburgh, and reconstructed F&I war site Fort Ligonier 50 miles away. There's a Fort Pitt museum nearby with one part of the original fort still standing too.

    I love history too much. Time to shut up now.

  5. Oooooooooomg, do want! That is so awesome!
    Mmm, kilts... XD <3!

  6. What a beautiful outfit! And an amazing mansion. Thank you for sharing your experiences there. I had never heard of it, and will remember to check it out next time I'm in Long Beach (yes, I want beautiful photos with that backdrop, too! :) ).

    Sophistique Noir - Dark, Elegant Fashion

  7. that dress is gr8 on u i live in scotland and there for next to lodes of maner houses and castels

  8. Thank you, my anonymous friend! Ooh, I'd love to visit Scotland. I wonder what it's like to have a mountain for your backyard. :D <3!
