Sunday, August 19, 2012

Girls Night Out

 Girls night out! My little Goth-a-billy cupcake was driving.
 She looks so majestic in the setting sun. :3
We arrived at the Anarchy Library after some make-up application at a MAC store. You gotta love free make-up. Natalie with my little Hollie-bear making kissy faces at me.
 I always look a little boozy in photos with friends. I can never look normal or just... "smile". O.o
 Our drinks, cranberry juice FTW!
 Okay, so I ordered it because it matched my outfit. I'm kinda vain like that. 
 The restroom had fuzzy leopard print walls! I was kinda afraid to touch them though. ^^;
 And here's the group shot. We're all so different, but we're all so alike.
I went to school with these lovely ladies. We're all going our separate ways, but imma miss them. Summer is ending waaay too fast. ><! <3!

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